Well, I have just logged in and seen that I haven't posted anything since December 8th - that's almost three whole weeks. Have I failed in my mission to write daily?
I realize, of course, that I hadn't been writing daily as a matter of course, but I could usually get to the keyboard four or five times a week. But to go almost three whole weeks without doing anything ...
Life happens, I know this. Three birthdays, a funeral and Christmas within the space of a week, the usual massive seasonal rush at work ... I could give lots of excuses. But at the end of the day, it was up to me to write. I could have watched less football. Played less Final Fantasy XIV. And it completely slipped my mind. I feel like I've let myself down.
I logged on today thinking, I haven't written in a bit, let's try and write something. But I didn't realize it had been three whole weeks. Now, in an admittedly defeatist way, I don't really feel like writing anything. And the ironic thing is that by so voicing those thoughts, I am, point in fact, currently writing something! Small victories?
I think I'll leave it there for now. Perhaps I'll come back tomorrow when I'm in a better frame of mind. As Scarlett O'Hara once put it, "after all ... tomorrow is another day!"
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